Getting our neighbors
back on their feet.

Giving each other hope and strength when disasters occur.

Getting our neighbors <br />back on their feet.

We Care Blog

Director’s Notes

Chapin We Care - Thursday, Feb 11, 2016

“Walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us” – Ephesians 5:1

Love is all around us. The world is painted red and pink, tokens of affection abundant and ready to be lavished on dear ones. Somehow in these handful of days, we are more alive to the steady beat of love in our hearts. Love is all around us. 

February 14 is a day we love to love. It feels light and airy with flowery emotion and kind sentiment, but St. Valentine knew great struggle. Our traditions lay on the back of one who was martyred for his defense of Christian love. His commitment and sacrifice bend our ear to another heartbeat: one that seeks to truly “walk in the way of love.”

Jesus lived and died the eternally perfect example of how to walk with love determining every step. On February 14, and 15, and 16, and every day after, are we not to do the same? To live love with deep deference to the needs of others?

Love has little value when not given away, shared with the world around us, particularly the world that is ever pulsating with need. The struggle for love that St. Valentine grappled has not ended. Need is ever before us. Only our response is in question.

I am constantly overwhelmed by the love poured out every day at We Care. Faithful volunteers display deep commitment and affection with every bag of food packed, every interview with clients, every call answered. Clients return that love with great gratitude and kindness. Bountiful donations pour in day after day, each a token of love. Valentines, every day.

The spirit of love, of Valentine’s Day, abounds in the daily happenings of this blessed place. May it ever be. And may you ever feel appreciated for all you do and welcomed to pour out more. We are all privileged to touch the sacred as we seek to walk in the way of love, on Valentine’s Day, and every day after. For the King and His glory!

Alecia Klauk